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Presentations in Isolation. May 2020

In these challenging times of isolation and uncertainty, we at CDM2 recognize our responsibility to maintain physical distance and are committed to eliminating the spread of the COVID-19 Virus. As such, we have suspended all in-person presentations, lunch-and-learns, and product demonstrations until further notice.

We are also aware however, that our design and construction community has not ceased to produce. In actuality, we are seeing that many of you are as active and are as effective as ever - albeit from different surroundings.

Our aim is to support you as best we can regardless of the current challenges and are happy to get sample information to you by new means. We can:
  • Meet via virtual communication platforms to review physical product via webcam (MS-Teams, ZOOM, GoTo Meeting, etc.).
  • Meet via virtual collaborative platforms to review and markup design information (MS-Teams, Bluebeam Studio, AGI-32, etc..).
  • Provide you with contact-less delivery of sanitized in-stock sales samples, 
  • Arrange for the delivery of colour-chips, and other product components.
  • Arrange for representative images, dimensioned, drawings, etc. of desired product.

Please feel free to reach out to me or anyone else on the CDM2 team to arrange for these or any other ways that we can assist you.

We are confident that the present threat will be eliminated and are looking forward to seeing you all again (in person 😊) in the coming months.

Stay tuned.
